Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Home is Afghanistan

I am on the last few days of my leave and I am getting ready to come home. If home is where the heart is, Afghanistan is my home. I have had a wonderful R&R, I have seen everyone I wanted to see and done everything I wanted to do. The places and people I have visited have not changed much, and that in it's own way is comforting and good. But my heart, my spirit, is in Afghanistan. One question I was asked over and over again was if this would be my last deployment. I usually said it was fifty/fifty. Truthfully, I will keep deploying as long as my body holds up. (My mind went a long time ago) I have always been seeking something that I have never been able to describe. Maybe someday I will be at peace with myself, but until then you will know where to find me. In a few days I will be there, I will be home.